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ALL PUBLIC ART: 블록 체인의 힘을 사용하여 세계 미술 시장에서 역사를 만들 것입니다.

ALL PUBLIC ART는 규제의 함수로 강도를 blockchain 사용하여 글로벌 미술 시장의 역사를 만들 것입니다. 감사 기능, 규제 준수 및 전통 감독 기술의 응용 프로그램 – 우리의 임무는 ‘regtech’라는 운동 기술의 일부입니다. 미술 시장의 현재 무역 협정 예술과 정체성 레코드의 소유권이 정확하고 변경되지 것을 보장하면서 거래의 유효 기간을 확인하기 위해 blockchain 능력에 의해 대체 될 수있다.
실비아 울프 예술 생활 잡지는 말했다 : “그것은 예술가와 예술을 사는 사람들은 예술 컨설턴트 또는 대형 경매 회사로 중개인에게 수수료없이 사업을 할 수있는 기회를 가질 때이다.” 모든 예술 일반 토큰 APA의 미술 시장을 방해 할 것입니다.
당사의 주요 목표 및 장기 목표는 미술 시장에서 P2P (Peer to Peer Trading)입니다. 예술 시장에서 실현 될 비전을 위해 모든 공공 미술 시장이 창안되었습니다. 예술 기술과 블로킹 기술은 프로그래밍 기본 기능의 조합으로 인해 완벽하게 결합됩니다.
AllPublicArt 토큰 및 API를 작성함으로써 미술을 교환하고 미술사를 추적하는 새롭고 편리하고 효과적인 방법을 적용합니다. 커뮤니티 아트의 모든 블록 이득 기술의 함의는 가짜 예술을 최소화하고 미술 시장에 대한 확신을 심어주고 예술 무역 서비스를 향상 시키며 글로벌 예술 공동체에서 경제적 사회적 혜택을 향상시킵니다.
모든 공공 미술 거래 프로세스에는 네 가지 주요 구성 요소가 있습니다.
1. 등록
예술가, 미술 수집가 및 모든 공공 미술 커뮤니티 또는 APA 서비스에 관심이있는 사람은 플랫폼에 등록해야합니다. 또는 모바일 앱에 가입하고 프로필을 작성한 후 아티스트는 APA 토큰 경품과 관련된 예술 작품 및 상품을 게시 할 수 있습니다.
2. 고유 및 보안 ID
아티스트와 컬렉터가 모든 공개 아트에 등록하면 블록 체인에서 모든 거래를 인증하는 데 사용되는 고유 ID를 받게됩니다. 아트웍 보안에는 네 가지 옵션이 있습니다.
  • QR 코드가있는 고유 ID
  • 민감한 홀로그램 스티커 및 스티커에 포함 된 고유 ID
  • RFID 칩 (Radio Frequency Chip Radio)
  • 아트웍에 적용된 접착제의 마이크로 RFID 칩

예술 수집가가 거래 증거를 교환하고 싶은 예술 작품을 발견하면, 그들은 즉시 “Acquire Artwork”버튼을 클릭하여 예술가와 거래를 시작할 수 있습니다. Blockchain의 트랜잭션 세부 사항을 문서화하고 다른 토큰 토큰을 임시 주소로 기록하고이를 작품에 고정시키기 위해 All General API와 조정됩니다.
작품의 배송은 거래 조건에 따라 다를 수 있으므로 모든 일반 미술은 예술가 및 수집가로서 다음과 같은 2 가지 배송 옵션 중에서 선택할 수 있습니다.
  • 순수 미술 배송 미술 단체
  • 작은 삽화 및 물품의 표준 배송

모든 예술 공영 예술 시장이 어떻게 변화 했는가?
1. 데이터 추적 및 위험 감소
우리는 예술품을 거래하고 가짜 예술을 지키며 미술 시장에 신뢰를 구축하기 때문에 새로운 방식으로 작품을 추적합니다.
2. 스마트 폰을 통한 연결
모든 General Arts는 전 세계에 액세스 할 수 있고 모바일 장치에서 즉시 작업 할 수있는 효율적이고 편리한 플랫폼을 제공하기 위해 총 자본을 투자합니다.
3. 세계적으로 예술 무역
예술 및 암호화 인프라로 전환 할 때 비즈니스 프로세스 최적화를위한 공간을 확보하십시오.
4. 지능형 계약 강력한 계약 권력
본질적으로 우월한 블록 체인 기반 프로그램입니다. 전통적이고 투명한.
5. 중간 가격 조작 제거
All Art General이 출범하기 전에 아티스트와 컬렉터 간의 모든 계약은 표준을 통해 이루어져야합니다.
ICO 모든 예술 출판물
  • 사전 판매 토큰 시작일은 2018 년 1 월 15 일입니다.

  • 공식 토큰 판매 시작일은 2018 년 1 월 23 일에 시작됩니다.

  • 최대 8 억 개의 AllPublicArt 토큰이 생성됩니다.

  • 토큰 판매에서 총 4000 만 달러의 AllPublicArt 토큰을 판매하며 총 20,000,000 달러 (토큰 판매 한도)를 지출합니다.
  • 토큰 판매의 종료일이 기간 동안 판매 된 제품의 수를 발행하고 남은 토큰을 인쇄 할 수 없습니다 전에 토큰 AllPublicArt 총 발행 400000000합니다.

토큰의 판매 후, 토큰의 판매 발급되지 무엇 억 개 토큰은 인쇄됩니다. 토큰 판매 후 득점 무엇 억 토큰 : 38 % (152,000,000 토큰 AllPublicArt)이 팀의 구성원에 할당 된 판매 인센티브 및 고용 기회에 할당됩니다 모든 공공재 2 % (판매 상품의 8,000,000 토큰)을 칭찬합니다, 60 % (2 억 4 개 천만 토큰 AllPublicArt)은 임기가 종료 12개월 후에 완료됩니다 2 단계 동안 주문 rnmu의 nitu의 기관 및 단체와 인센티브 및 플랫폼 제휴로 제공됩니다. 판매).
자세한 내용은 아래 링크로 문의하십시오.
웹 사이트 :
저자: SanZoldyck Jackpot Game based on Smart Etherum Contract
EtherJack offers a game, fast transaction process is not important, and it is latency tolerant. sport is meant in such a way that the presence of latency will not damage the sport or make it less interactive or participate. Thus, EtherJack enjoys all the advantages of an on-chain co-worker (100% honest and clear, clearly outlined and set in stone rules) and does not suffer losses associated with slow process speed.
The rule is simple: there is a big jackpot, and someone else puts in a bid to state it, at intervals allowing time when the last offer. If no offers arrive, the last one confirms it gets it. If the bid keeps coming back, the jackpot adds up. 
The game method is described by an unattached Etherum association, and is fully controlled by the player. ASCII text files for good contracts are printed, which ensures the transparency and fairness of this method. The developers do not leave backdoors or ways to change the contract after it runs. If nobody places a bid at the time-out interval, the contract can send all the Jackpot counts to the winner, and zip will stop it.
This is the game: There is a jackpot and there is a running timer, if someone is bidding the person currently claiming the jackpot, the extra bid for the jackpot and also the timer is reset. If nobody claims the jackpot when the timer runs out, it will continue to the last one that placed the bid.
Everything represented above is actually enforced in reasonable contracts with ASCII printed text files so that developers (or others) can not have an effect on sports methods, can not manipulate or alter them, or modify the foundations when flying. The contract codes attached ensure that the sport is clear and honest for all or any of the participants.

The game is unique:

• This multiplayer; 
• This is a one-off opportunity; 
• If it can be called a lottery, it is completely transparent; 
• Players can post messages on the board; 
• Players can play or invest. If a player buys tokens, they can resell them to those who buy them later. 
• gifts x2, x5, and x10 during the supply phase; 
• Unique ICO Jackpot Collection: token price grows according to contract rules, and its value is always at least nominal price, because it can replace the offer of that amount.
Once the game starts, the player must bid constantly because otherwise the other wins. This is the perfect app of the Ethereum smart contract: the system ensures the game is fair and the payments are assured.

JACK token ICO
As many as a million Geckos JACK was created. 2.5% of the amount 
 used for gift gifts. the remaining ninety-seven, 2% marketed throughout the ICO. The ICO goes on until the jackpot (Jackpot contract balance) has a minimum of 333 ET. Once the tip is reached, a pair of day timers begins. Once the timer runs out, ICO ends, and also the game starts. During ICO, investor transfers Ether to Jackpot Contract (0xe64d5f33E28387855d33980719f27f0d579392aF)and accept JACK on a reciprocal basis. JACK is the currency used in sports, so this is its intrinsic value in accordance with the rules of the sport, and the value is increasing according to the code in the contract. The sales value of JACK changes across the ICO, making it more profitable to shop 1 than the last. Two hundred of each sale across the ICO, used for sales budgets. The rest (80%) is used to fill the jackpot. The extra Eter that accumulates in the jackpot by the sport begins, the additional involving sport is for the players. The player's activities generate profits for the JACK holder and make the JACK value grow faster.
For more info:

Author: SanZoldyck

Lucyd-network of decentralized blockchain technology

Projects of virtual reality are not new at all. But have you heard about projects that are designed to connect our reality with the virtual world and thus add new facets to ordinary life. Simplifying many aspects. You must have seen a lot of this in movies, but they could not even imagine that something was wrong.
then this is possible in real life. And the project of which I will tell you today is just such a project Lucyd.
I will say right away, Lucyd is a project of glasses of augmented reality. For your better understanding, I will describe the whole process. When you wear glasses, you connect to your gadgets and applications that were created for Lucyd. You are stretching the mask of technology and blockade over the usual world. This will allow you to instantly receive the necessary information, without interruption from work to communicate in the network, as well as learn something new. Of course, the element of entertainment will also be present if necessary. Thus, new glasses Lucyd Lens will be created, which have a number of advantages, as well as a truly revolutionary product in the market.
Some reasons why you do not yet have a smart class — some of the available options have a narrow field of view and clumsy user interface. But Lucyd was built on 13 patents that extended to augmented reality and a team of renowned optical experts for decentralizing the AR revolution with Lucyde Lens.
Next generation classes This lens is supported by a series of AR blocks from the Layman Laboratory, which makes it easy to develop and distribute AR content on their own. The lab is equipped with LCD markers, which organize organic content creation for the first AR platform with mass appeal.
A lens that has the potential for an evolutionary leap in how we see the world, and Lab will let anyone contribute to its growth.
Lucyd Lens will be built on 13 related patents developed by world-class optical experts at the University of Central Florida. This patent is licensed exclusively by Lucid.
because our AR patent portfolio allows us to use important functions for next generation AR goggles that are not available in current products. Lucyd’s competitive advantage comes from our unique ergonomic functions exclusive to smart-
Points are combined with experienced managers and knowledgeable scientific consultants.

LUCYD SmartGlas

Lucyd Lens will be the first easy-to-use, ergonomic SmartGlas. We design an interactive AR display that uses your smartphone to process power and data. With the lens, you can look up from your phone and see all your favorite apps in a large, smooth AR interface. With a 120 degree improved field of view, more than 3x larger than all available SmartGlasses, and a discreet body that looks like normal specifications, Lucyd has the technology to reach the AR mainstream. We’re launching LCD tokens to secure funding for a prototype and create the Lucyd Lab Blockchain app to control the creation of native content.
Lucyd launches LCD token sales to develop the glasses of the future. Our next-generation AR display will bring the cloud directly to your mind. Watch the video to see how Lucyd can change your interaction with others, the world and the Internet. Enjoy!
The LCD token executes the blockchain Lucyd Lab. Lucyd Lab promotes the development of organic apps and user engagement by rewarding positive contributions to the Lucyd ecosystem (app development, content, user reports, etc.) with LCD. LCD can be used to source AR hardware and content from Lucyd, if available. For example, Lucyd predicts that 5,000 LCDs can be exchanged for a pair of basic Lucyd Lens smartglasses. In addition, we reserve the first 500 production pairs of Lucyd Lens only for purchase via LCD. Buying LCD gives you the opportunity to be among the first to wear the eyewear of the future and help Lucyd bring you the best that AR has to offer.
AR SmartGlasses offer compelling opportunities in industry, entertainment, business, education and education with numerous features that provide comfort and productivity. The market and momentum have shifted dramatically in favor of AR applications. Mobile games like Pokémon Go immediately create consumer awareness of the power and market potential for AR.2 The AR market is forecast to sell about $ 134 billion by 2021, according to Zion Market Research.3 North America is the primary market and is expected to grow at an annual rate of nearly 80% by 2020.4
Consumers benefit from Lucyd’s technology advantages, such as advanced eye tracking, 120 ° full field of view, an optical correction option, a low-profile form factor and customizable control scheme. We believe that Lucyd Lens transformative applications in commercial, government and personal areas.
AR is a competitive space and leading companies are trying to create mass market smart glasses. So far, however, other companies have AR displays that are bulky and/or expensive and their mass appeal. Lucyd is not subject to the bureaucracy and internal constraints facing our tech giant Competitors and we think that our nimble, capable team allows us to move around the room with less friction.
Token Details
LCD Token Info Total LCD tokens to be created : 100,000,000
Available during token event : 50,000,000
Reissuance : Never
Token name : LCD
Fundraising goal : $10mln
USD Soft cap goal : $1.5mln USD
Token presale start : Oct. 17, 2017 at 8:00 A.M. GMT LCD
presale discount : 40%
Initial presale price : 1 LCD = $.15 USD
Presale end : October 31, 2017 at 8:00 P.M. GMT (Or when token allotment is depleted)
LCD available in presale : 25,000,000
Token event start : October 31, 2017 at 8:00 P.M. GMT (Or when presale sells out.)
Initial LCD sale price : 1 LCD = $.25 USD
Token event end : February 28, 2018 at 8:00 P.M. GMT LCD tokens issued at end of sale.
Accepted currencies: All major currencies, including USD, BTC and ETH.
No mining available.
Implied market value of all LCD tokens : $25m USD End date will be earlier if LCD supply is depleted. Unsold tokens will be burned.
Token wallet address :
Road Map

The Team

More Information :

Author: SanZoldyck



CoinLion will solve the problems of existing exchanges and build the world’s first cryptocurrency exchange with built-in portfolio management, dual blockchain
order book system, research, analytics, social integration and token generation capabilities.
In today’s environment, managing digital assets can be difficult, even for the experienced. The CoinLion Platform empowers users when managing digital assets. There is a need for simple and powerful tools that eliminate barriers to entry for everyday users.
Presently, those trading digital assets are often using different methods, platforms and wallets. Many have taught themselves through countless hours researching how to exchange and manage these new assets in a safe, secure and efficient manner. For the inexperienced, managing and trading cryptocurrencies can be frustrating, challenging, and time consuming.
The team understands the difficulty and challenges in dealing with various wallets, applications, and exchanges. The existing methods can be difficult to use and confusing while providing little or no customer service.
CoinLion looks to deliver value to a future trillion dollar blockchain economy and connect millions of traders, giving them a platform to manage digital assets easily and efficiently.
A key feature within the Coin Lion ecosystem is the ability to create portfolios of digital assets with the Portfolio Management Tool. Users can also choose to allow their portfolios to be shared and tracked by other traders on a time specific basis in exchange for LION. This allows traders to generate LION simply for sharing their portfolios and strategies with the community.
New users are faced with many
concerns when it comes to managing cryptocurrencies such as, security, legal, ease of use, and customer service. CoinLion understands these concerns and is addressing them. There exists a gap between what is currently in the marketplace and what individuals really want and need.
CoinLion’s market fit is undeniable. The crypto space needs powerful portfolio management tools combined with sophisticated reporting. CoinLion is solving a fundamental problem, and will continuously improve the platform using cutting-edge technologies.
CoinLion is building a simple yet powerful platform that enables users to not only exchange digital assets, but also earn and spend the native token, LION, for sharing portfolios, research, and strategies.
CoinLion is focused on improving issues facing existing exchanges:
  • User accessibility and ease of use
  • Managing multiple digital assets
  • Access to information, research and tools
  • Understanding Risk
  • Legal Environment
  • Security
  • Customer Service

LION — The Token

CoinLion will introduce a token, LION, which will be used within the
platform. LION will create an ecosystem that rewards and incentivizes users to share and create portfolios, strategies and research related to the management of digital assets.
LION is the token that interacts with the platform. LION an ERC20
compatible token. The symbol is simply LION. CoinLion will offer a LION market where trading is free. This creates another use case for LION and will work to ensure the integrity of LION within the CoinLion Platform. LION also has a myriad of uses and functions within the CoinLion Platform:
Spend LION
  • Track and duplicate portfolios
  • Trade for free within the LION market
  • Discounted trading when holding LION
  • Create and manage multiple portfolios with the portfolio management tool
  • Access research and analytics within the CoinLion research and analytics library
  • Access to ICOs launched on the
    platform at a discounted rate
  • Advertise portfolios and promote your content on CoinLion and other platforms
  • Allow users to track your created
  • Create and share content relating to the management of cryptocurrencies
  • Create and share research
  • Create and share strategies with other users
  • Allow advertising on your public
  • Earn LION for being a top performer or researcher
  • Create research for the CoinLion
    research and analytics library

LION Token Sale

CoinLion will create a total supply of 500 million LION. No additional LION will be created. 250 million LION will be available in the token sale. The token sale will include a Pre-Sale and a two phased token sale:
  • Minimum Goal to start: 15,000,000 LION
  • Currency accepted: ETH
  • Base LION Token exchange rate: 1 ETH = 2500 LION
  • Pre-Sale: 5 ETH Minimum
    25,000,000 LION hard cap
    Bonus: 40%
  • Exchange Rate: 1 ETH = 3500 LION
Token sale Maximum: Unlimited
Minimum: 1 ETH
Phase 1:
  • Start Date: 18th of December 2017 (12AM UTC))
  • End Date: 7th of January 2018 (12AM UTC)
  • Week 1: Bonus 20%
  • Exchange Rate: 1 ETH = 3000 LION
  • Week2: Bonus 15%
  • Exchange Rate: 1 ETH = 2875
  • Week 3: Bonus 10%
  • Exchange Rate: 1 ETH = 2750
Phase 2:
  • Start Date: 12th of February 2018 (12AM UTC)
  • End Date: 25th of February 2018 (12AM UTC)
  • Week 1: Bonus: 5%
  • Exchange Rate: 1 ETH = 2625 LION
  • Week 2: Bonus: 0%
  • Exchange Rate: 1 ETH = 2500 LION


The CoinLion Platform will be built using the latest technologies, including Go. Each component of the platform will be designed as a scalable micro-service and communicate via APIs. CoinLion uses Docker and other virtualization technologies to allow for quick testing and deployment of updates in a controlled manner to each environment through all phases: development, testing, and production.
CoinLion’s order book system will be broken into two independent but interconnected blockchains. The matching algorithm can process over a million buy/sell orders and complete transactions within seconds. The order book application will leverage the first blockchain to maintain data integrity and immutability of orders, and the matching system will finalize the orders and complete the transactions to their respective blockchains. The dual blockchain system is designed to keep track of the orders within the platform and be a source of data. In addition to Ethereum, Bitcoin, and LION markets, we will be able to add other cryptocurrencies and markets to the platform as it evolves.
The CoinLion exchange utilizes a hybrid model of both centralized and decentralized technology to deliver the best possible performance. The core code, which is doing the heavy lifting, is written in Go. Smart contracts are written in the Solidity language native to Ethereum. The CoinLion Platform will interact with smart contacts to facilitate tasks related to the Ethereum blockchain.
As CoinLion moves beyond the token sale and launch of the platform, the ongoing research and development will determine feasibility of moving to a decentralized model. The team has extensively evaluated all the possible methods and technologies in which to build the CoinLion Platform. While the Coinlion team strongly supports a decentralized model, currently a hybrid model provides a better user experience.
CoinLion has also researched chain interoperability. As blockchains become more prevalent, interoperability will be addressed. CoinLion will utilize all necessary technologies to give the user the best possible experience.
For detail information you can follow this link:

Author: SanZoldyck

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