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KAKUSHIN : 조사원, 연구원, 혁신가, 개발자 및 발명가에게 필요한 생태계 생성

안녕 모두,
혁신가가 자금을 조달 할 수 있도록 지원하는 세계적으로 분산 된 플랫폼에 오신 것을 환영합니다. Ethereal Blockchain에서 지원됩니다.
우리가 생각하는 것
우리는 모든 혁신가가 연구 개발을위한 기금에 접근하고, 컨셉을 제품으로 바꾸는 최적의 생산 단위에 접근하고 소비자가 원하는 혁신적이고 양질의 제품을 기술적으로 판매 할 수있는 시장을 믿습니다. KAKUSHIN을 통해 시장에서할만한 가치가 있습니다.
KAKUSHIN 생태계는 검색 자, 연구원, 혁신가, 개발자 및 발명가에게 필요한 생태계를 만들어 냄으로써 기회와 잠재력을 열어줍니다. KAKUSHIN 생태계는 출산, 육아, 아이디어 / 개념을 소비자가 사용할 수있는 실용적이고 실용적인 제품으로 개발할 수있는 완벽한 환경이 될 것입니다.
연구 기반 인프라의 분권화가 시작되고 연구 개발의 미래가 분산되기 때문에. R & D 권력이 모든 사람의 손에 있다는 것은 부인할 수 없습니다.
Kakushin Exchange는 현금 흐름을 유지하고 생태계, 발명가 / 구매자 / 개인 또는 헤지 펀드의 유동성 공급자 역할을하는 거래 플랫폼)은 보안 암호를 요구 사항에 따라 KKN 토큰으로 변환 할 수 있습니다.
Kakushin Market은 KKN을 사용하는 지적 재산 및 혁신적이고 친환경적인 제품을 판매, 임대 및 구매하기위한 잘 조직 된 온라인 시장입니다.
신체 플랫폼
Kakushin 인큐베이션 & 케어 트레이닝 센터는 ICO에 대해 배우고, ICO에 투자하고, ICO를 시작하고 혁신적이고 환경 친화적 인 아이디어와 제품을 주로 목표로 ICO를 추적하기 위해 통합되었습니다.
아르 시크 투르 에코노이스트

토큰 세일 세부 사항
개인 사전 판매 날짜
3 월 15 일 ~ 4 월 30 일
판매 개시일
5 월 1 일 ~ 5 월 31 일
메인 토큰 세일
6 월 1 일 ~ 6 월 30 일
블록 체인
에테 리움, ERC20
토큰 티커 :
총 토큰 공급
2, 400,000 KKN
구매 방법 허용
토큰 배달
구매 후 48 시간 이내
개인적인 개인 모델
사적인 PRA 기간 동안의 KKN 가격 : $ 0.009
최소 투자액 : $ 1500

배포 토큰

프로세스 사용


자세한 내용은:

DEVELOPEO (DEVX) : 4TH 산업 혁명 - 오픈 소스

안녕하세요. 오늘은 인공 지능, 신경망, 차단, 사이버 보안 등 흥미로운 Developeo 프로젝트 를 소개하겠습니다.
Develepeo Bootcamp의 목표는 최신 기술을 잘 알고있는 우수한 소프트웨어 개발자를 유치하는 것입니다. Develepeo는 오픈 소스 소프트웨어 개발 촉진에 기여하고자 노력하고 있습니다. 
Bootcamp 분야의 성장과 발전을위한 가장 중요한 이유는 현재의 대학 시스템이 그런 우수한 자격을 갖춘 전문 인력을 유치 할 수 없다는 것입니다. 이 프로젝트는 인공 지능 및 기타 기술 분야의 인적 자원에 대한 요구를 다룹니다.
이 플랫폼은 차세대 대학 교육 시스템을 갖춘 개발자를위한 온라인 인증 프로그램을 제공 할 것이므로 엔지니어는 유명한 일자리에 필요한 인증서를 받게됩니다. 인증은 세계 100 대 교육 기관 중 하나에서 교육을받는 것만 큼 가치가있을 것입니다. 
프로그램에는 다음이 포함됩니다. 
  • 인공 지능 
  • 심층 훈련
  • 신경망
  • 블록 프로그래밍 
  • 비즈니스 모델링
  • 전체 스택 인코딩
  • 데이터 과학
  • 사이버 보안
  • 미래 뱅킹
  • 데이터 분석 
  • 그리고 훨씬 더.
Developeo는 현명한 계약을 통해 유능한 엔지니어에게 소프트웨어 코드에 대한 보상을 제공 할 수있는 Ethereum 블록 시스템을 기반으로 구축 될 것입니다. 상은 DEVX 토큰에 배포됩니다. 
엔지니어가 제공 한 코드의 양과 품질에 따라 Developeo는 참가자들에게 즉시 암호 교환으로 변환 될 수있는 토큰을 보상합니다. 보상은 개발자의 지갑으로 전송되기 전에 코드가 커뮤니티 프로젝트 관리자에 의해 검토됩니다.
 십여 만 명이 넘는 엔지니어가 오픈 소스 소프트웨어 커뮤니티에 참여하고 있으며, 일부 "빅 브랜드"를 제외하고는 더 많은 공헌을 남기지 않았습니다. 분산 투표 시스템을 통해 보상의 분배에 객관적으로 접근 할 수 있습니다. 투표는 일정 기간 (1 개월) 동안 진행되며, 그 후 DEVX 토큰 형태의 보상이 영예로운 참가자들에게 배포됩니다.
참가자의 작업을 결정하는 주요 요소는 다음과 같습니다.
  • 코드 품질 
  • 프로젝트에 대한 기여도의 중요성 
  • 이전 작품
프로젝트 파트너 :

ICO 이용 약관
Developeo 는 DEVX라는 자체 ERC20 토큰을 사용합니다.
토큰 기능 :
  • 오픈 소스 프로젝트의 완벽한 코드에 대한 보상 
  • 시장에서 통화 Developeo
  • DEVX 토큰으로 지불하면 상당한 할인 혜택을 받게됩니다. 
DEVX 토큰이 Developeo 플랫폼에서 중요한 작업이 될 것이기 때문에 토큰에 대한 수요가 증가 할 것입니다. 따라서 대부분의 블록 프로젝트와는 달리 토큰에 대한 수요는 추측보다는 실제 유틸리티에 의해 결정됩니다. 
Developeo는 훌륭한 장기 투자이며, 시장은 장기적인 잠재력을 인정할 것입니다. 그러나이 프로젝트는 일부 토큰이 투기 적으로 사용되고 이것이 상당한 변동성을 초래할 수 있음을 인정합니다. Develepeo와 다른 시장 간의 주요 차이점 중 하나는 참가자들이 일하고 급여에 관심이있는 프로젝트를 선택할 수 있다는 것입니다.
Developeo는 오픈 소스 소프트웨어 개발자 커뮤니티를 보존하고 홍보하기위한 노력에도 불구하고 심각한 시장 문제를 해결하는 것과 관련된 여러 가지 수익원을 보유하고 있습니다. 따라서, Developeo 비즈니스 모델 은 기술 산업 분야에서 다음과 같은 틈새 시장을 겨냥합니다.   
  1. 소프트웨어 개발
  2. 디지털 전문 기술
  3. NEXT-GEN Bootcamps
  4. 교육 NEXT-GEN (인공 지능, 블록킹, 데이터 과학, 코딩, IOT, 데이터 아트) ● 
  5. 인증
  6. 컨설팅 서비스

프로젝트 팀 :
데드 레이전설적인 바운티 매니저 

 . 저의 리뷰를 보아 주셔서 감사 드리며, 여기에 고유성에 대한 링크가 있습니다. 좋은 하루 되세요.
프로젝트에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하십시오.
웹 사이트 : 
저자 :  SanZoldyck

Aworker Platform For Recruiting Workers

Aworker is a recruitment platform based on Blockchain technology. This platform has been created to disrupt an existing recruitment market that has a volume of $ 429 billion by 2016. Aworker will help people find jobs well through the use of Blocklet Etereum and its WORK tokens. In addition, this will help companies find suitable candidates to fill vacant job positions.

Currently, there are three major issues that continue in the recruitment business. First, it is very difficult to find a good worker because the company can not always access it perfectly. Second, recruitment is an expensive process. An organization must spend $ 8,000 to hire workers at intermediate level jobs. The third problem is the difficulty in assessing candidates. One can not judge the professionalism of a particular candidate on the basis of data provided by him.

There are some issues that even job seekers face in traditional recruitment systems. Smart and experienced candidates do not accept offers because of the large number of applications received by recruiters. Secondly, there are some companies that utilize the skills and professional skills of the community for free. The information includes data shared by them on social media sites, such as Facebook and Linkedin.
The Aworker platform has been developed to provide wider employment opportunities to people. In addition, they will provide assistance to companies in minimizing the cost of hiring and selecting the best candidates.
This platform utilizes Blockchain technology to produce a peer to peer platform for candidate recruitment. With the support of smart contracts, the easier it is to modify the recruitment norm. It also aims to create a reputation system that will check qualified aspiring experts.
Lay platform uses WORK tokens. This WORK Token is related to employee recruitment within an organization. The company must issue this token to find and hire employees. There is a maximum limit imposed on the availability of a WORK token. Companies can purchase this WORK token on the stock exchange platform.

Organizations will be equipped with applications to recruit and communicate with candidates. Vacancies can be created in the company by the human resources manager through the use of smart contracts. Smart contracts are also used to verify necessary information about candidates within the Blockchain network.
The HR manager can check on completed competencies, skills and projects. The platform wants to create a place where people receive awards for their achievements, abilities, and skills in the workplace. The use of Blockchain will offer more reliable details about candidates, which are currently not available in traditional companies.
Decentralization offers a great opportunity to create a new environment. Now, everyone can create a reliable employee reputation with just a few clicks. If you want to know more.

To this day, there are three major difficulties in recruiting for business:
1. It is difficult to hire good employees. There are two reasons for this: it's hard to find it and it's impossible to judge them properly
2. The high cost of recruitment. The average cost for hiring new employees for middle-level jobs is about $ 8,000.
3. Complications of candidate assessment. It is not always possible to evaluate the applicant's professionalism because the data is unreliable. One can write on a resume and tell in an interview about himself whatever he wants.

Common issues for job seekers:
1. Seeking challenging jobs because of high competition. Even exceptional talented specialists sometimes do not get an offer because of the number of CVs that recruiters receive.
2. The company uses data about the professional skills of the community for free. People are not paid for the information they share on social networks, such as LinkedIn or Facebook.

Aworker was created to help:
1. People get jobs faster and with better conditions
2. The company hires the best candidates and reduces the cost per hire

Aworker uses Blockchain technology to create:
1. P2P platform for personnel recruitment. With the power of smart contracts, it is possible to change the rules of recruitment, when others recommend candidates and all critical stage participants receive prizes.
2. Reputation system, which will prove specialist qualifications.

Token work
Job tokens are related to hiring employees in the company. Companies must issue work tokens to locate and hire required employees of a company with a limited number of tokens. Companies will receive applications for hire and communicate with potential candidates. The HR manager will be able to create vacancies, employ smart contract opportunities, and to examine core information about candidate candidates in the field of eradication: what skills are verified, competence, project completion, at Blockchain will provide more reliable information about applicants, who are now lacking have company.

This is the main difficulty in recruitment and job search is expected:
- very difficult to keep employees with the needs of the company
- will have difficulty in selecting candidates
- Experiencing high cost process in recruitment
- Workers will have difficulty getting the job they expect
- Companies get data about their candidates' professional skills for free.

With this company will feel the difficulty in:
Two important issues facing the company:
- It is very difficult to find a specialist that suits the needs of the company
- It is very difficult to evaluate objectively the candidate

Because companies are looking for candidates by using free search such as through facebook and Linkedin where information about us is sold to other companies, to overcome the exorbitant cost of searching candidates.

This Aworker solution.
Awoker creates a decentralized and reliable solution for employees and companies based on the Ethereum blockade with smart contracts. Our solutions consist of job market, skills verification and independent assessment. Employees get the opportunity to find work and earn money in their networks, skills and professional accomplishments. Companies gain access to decentralized rankings and verified skills through smart contracts.

The purpose of this Aworker
1. Creating a global decentralized ecosystem for companies For workers, and, will help find employees who have profisionalism and recommend friends for the correct open positions.
2. Create a universal decentralization in employee appraisal and reputation for the whole world.
3. Create the simplest and most reliable tool to verify the reputation of multiple matches.
4. It allows people to earn money for the skills they have in motivating in addition to their own development («enhancing professional skills»).
5. Create a decentralized ecosystem that will provide additional manpower and motivation for development.
6. Allowing an employee to be the best in the professional field.
7. To introduce the advantages of smart contracts Etherealum for the real world. This aworker user has four types

Users in Aworker:
1. Employees
people working in the company or looking for a job. An employee may respond to vacancies and include information about skills, competencies or work experience. Every month, an employee can engage in decentralization of the Aworker Rank .
2. Aworker
the user must be the most proactive and qualified of the application. He has more proven capabilities and high reputation recommendations from his employees. Coworkers can recommend their contacts to open vacancies, check employee skills and evaluate potential rankings. The aworker reputation will depend on the outcome.
3. Human Resource Manager
Be part of a company representative who can inform you about open vacancies, assessments and employee appraisals. The HR manager will be able to track Aworker job seekers in the app, communicate with them, have access to verified ratings and skills.
4. Employer
Employee employees to subordinates. A person can get a "manager" status after being confirmed by three company employees.The manager will be able to choose company employees (or other employees), but his voice will be the same as an aworker voice.Manager will also have the ability to write reviews about employees

How does it work?
The aworker will be able to receive wages for recommendations whenever he or she becomes acquainted with a job at the company. The entire process will be open to employees, and he will always be able to see the recruitment phase.
In this case, the candidate search process becomes P2P, when other network users look for a decent candidate for the company and recommend it.

Prize awards among participants of the recruitment process at Aworker are distributed:
50% got people who recommended the best candidates
20% get the best candidates the company chooses
10% accept those who recommend people who come for the interview
10% get people who come for interview
10% got Aworker platform

Thus, all the most qualified participants receive remuneration and co-workers who recommend it.

They understand people;
They recommend candidates who have been recruited; They can analyze and make inferences about specialists. The company will be able to work in two directions with a known awarunner:

To create exclusive vacancies with the best rewards only for reputable aworkers. This is relevant for people looking for higher quality positions.
To make a vacancy with payment for recommendations. When the benefits are paid not for a closed job, but for the recommendation itself. The following cost benefits for the recommendation will be less than for a closed position, but prizes will be guaranteed.
What can be verified An employee can confirm two types of data:

skills that prove the value of employees and ultimately may be of interest to the company. For example, foreign language knowledge, advanced training courses, knowledge of professional tools and programming languages, etc. Skill tests are conducted using supporting documents (certificates, videos, etc.) and the voice of the community.
Work experience and education. The company that the employee used to work for, and the projects he used to get involved in that. This is another chance to receive a reward. Decentralized Verification System Skills

By using the Verification Skill, employees will be able to:
Receive a reward for their proven abilities.
· Increase their competence in the eyes of HR managers.
· Using a Building Decentralization Reputation that will confirm a person's real ability on a global scale.

Aworker will make a transparent verification system has credibility between companies. It will be decentralized, universal, transparent, and will offer employees the right skills for the job.

John's Verification Skills add information that he has the ability of «English: Top-Intermediate]. He attached a certificate from an English school that confirmed this. He sends the skills to verify and spend the WORK tokens. The awroler community confirms John's ability in 14 days. John and colleagues who ensure the skills of getting the token tokens back.

Anti-fraud system:

We consider the possibility of fraud cases by developing an antifraud system. For security reasons, we can not reveal all the details of the system, but there are several options to help minimize fraudulent issues, such as:

An employee must show his account on social networks and workplaces;
The personality of an authorized manager to confirm the data to be examined thoroughly. This person must have three employee company verifications;
Integration with decentralization of the Civic identity verification tool to reduce the risk of unlawful user registration;
Users with suspicious social networks and work site pages will be blocked until data is confirmed;
The suspicious behavior of each participant (employee or manager) will be monitored by our system.
Motivation using Blockchain technology In determining non-functional requirements for the Aworker platform, we have made the conclusion that to achieve the best results, the platform must be decentralized, must provide transparency in decision making, it must also be stable and secure, expanded. , scalable and should promote openness to user motivation.

Blockchain technology can help implement this basic rule, it is chosen as the default platform for Aworker realization.
Transparency in decision making. At any time, information on ratings and votes is acceptable, will help ensure the honesty of the decisions taken.

Stable and secure
This platform must provide stable operation at any time period, must withstand hacker attacks and to ensure safe storage of user data.

Can be extended.
The Aworker platform should provide a set of interfaces for the implementation of the service, which uses this platform.

Beneficial for devotees.
The internal economy of this app lets users gain real benefits and motivate potential new members to join the platform.

Distribution of remuneration to market participants
This smart contract allows people to get rewards for active users who recommend their friends to open positions, as long as they receive a particular position or come to the interview.

Confirm employee skills
This smart contract provides a transparent procedure to demonstrate their ability to each employee. Employee skills are considered confirmed only after a minimum number of people are collected.

The minimum number of people must match the following 5 conditions:
- Minimum of 100 voters;
- The difference between majority and minority of people exceeds 20%;
- Total prizepool awarded to the winner is a minimum of + 10% for shares of each member of majority.
- Employees, who want to get public confirmation skills, start contact launch by sending messages about adding new skills by referring to supporting documents (or documents).
- Service users, expressing their desire to check Employee skills (for example, because they have skills like them)

Compilation of employees
This smart contract makes it possible to rank employees, taking into account the views of the champions.
· The employee commences the launch of a smart contract by submitting a form indicating that he / she wants to participate in the rating.
· Coworkers, in response to Workers who place employee appraisals on a 10-point scale. At this stage, all received information is stored in the Mongo DB database.

Stack technology and top-level architecture
The application is built on the basis of Ethereal platform and protocol for the storage of distributed IPFS files. Data on transactions, performed on platforms, is stored in blockchain.
Based on the listed technology, the application of business logic layer (domain logic layer) is built: intelligent contract interaction, frontend, file storage management system, etc.
The Aworker platform provides interaction opportunities between APIs and resources like Indeed, Monster, and more. It is necessary to uniquely identify platform users through an account on a professional social network, in addition to incorporating existing site capabilities with the Aworker platform.

To realize the platform and use the following services and technologies:
· Ethereum - a platform for making decentralized applications, based on blockchain technology. This platform enables the possibility of applying smart contracts on Solid Solidity Turing-Completed typed languages. For the Aworker platform, community blockchain Ethereum will be used.
· IPFS is a protocol for the storage of distributed files. The system makes it possible to store user documents, which ensure their skills and achievements, not on the central service, but in distributed storage.
· Civic is a platform to verify the decentralization of user personalities on the Internet. This will avoid duplicate invalid accounts in the Aworker platform and accounts created to implement fraudulent schemes.

Solidity is a high-level language for writing smart contracts and executing them on the Ethereum virtual machine. All contracts from the Aworker platform will be implemented with the help of Solidity language.
· FFL e Tru is a framework for developing and testing smart contracts.
· NodeJS is an event-oriented programming language intended to write backend.
· Web3js - is the API to work with the Ethereum blockade network

Applications for employees:
1. Will facilitate job search and select the right company;
2. Will build the reputation of a trusted employee;
3. Will provide an opportunity to increase rewards;
4. Will advise each employee about more efficient FFI development (on behavioral and performance analysis);
5. Will provide an opportunity to purchase products partnered with big discounts.

Request for company:
1. Will provide access to a reliable employee database (assessment, verified skills, professional competence assessment, feedback);
2. Will automate routine work while renting;
3. It will be possible to find new employees in the app.

Stage 1: Aworker Alpha. Termination of private cabinet users
Stage 2: Develop personal account for company and Marketplace Job
Stage 3: Integration into blockchain and audit security, Verification Skills
Stage 4: Development of Ethnic Ranking based on blockchain
Stage 5: Development of the company's advertising cabinet
Stage 6: Enterprise application development
Stage 7: Aw Awer API Development and mobile app
Stage 8: Development of a recommendation system.
Market Analysis and Aworker Business Model

Aworker Team
Anton Cherkasov, CEO & Co-founder
Michail Doshevskii, CTO & Co-founder
Sergey Streltsov, CMO
Mikhail Barkov, Director of Human Resources
Svetlana Fomenkova, Director of Development
Roman Ivantsov, Architect
Evgeny Petukhov, backend developer
Alexander Zachinalov, a front-end developer
Pavel Levkovich, Leading
Serafima Aleksandrova, PR Мanager
Vasily Kuznetsov, Counselor
Denis Polulyakhov, Counselor

Sales Token
The Aworker Sales token (WORK) to support and develop the Aworker ecosystem will be done with the help of smart contracts on the Ethereal block. Participants who wish to support this project will be able to purchase WORTH tokens for ET. The number of work tokens is limited.

Sales of work tokens will last for 4 sales alerts: Pre-ICO: Token sales stage 1, Token token sales 2, Token token sales 3. Token sales stage 4.

- Publish and sell EMPLOYEE token will be done using the smart contract of Ethereum ERC20
- Participants who wish to support the Aworker project development will be able to send ETH to the address listed on the website or in the official FFI project group.
Currency received: ETH, BTC.
- Token team members will be blocked for 1 year with a smart contract Ethereum.
- Limited number of tokens available (Hard Cap). If the token sale will reach this limit, the token release will be stopped. HardCap equals 24,770 ETH.
- Token Sale # 4 will last 31 days, if previously not reached HARDCAP
- Tokens that will not be sold in the token sales, the rest of the automatic tokens will be burned.
- Token purchased at all stages, will be available to contributors through 2 weeks after the end of the 4th stage token sale

Investment Info
Receive ETH, BTC

Token Info
Token name: WORK
Platform: Ethereum
Type: ERC20
Token Price 1WORK: 0.0004158ETH
Token Count: 213,778,675

For more information:

Bitcointalk Username: KidsJamanNow

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